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Kumana National Park

Hambantota, Sri Lanka, Dec 19, 2021

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Is 70 square miles (18,149 hectares) in extent and was declared in 1970. There are several marshes and lakes where large number of aquatic birds built their nests and visitors can see them at close range during the breeding season. The approach is from the Pottuvil side and it is also possible to visit Kumana from Yala (Ruhuna) Park through Block II which is a Strict Natural Reserve for which entry is allowed only with a special written approval. The common birds found here are Spot-billed Pelicans, Cormorants, Egrets, Spoonbills, Herons, Storks, Ibises, Bitterns, Indian MoorHens, White-breasted Waterhen, Painted Storks and many other species.